Welcome To Cyber DJ Sandi's Music.

DJ Sandi/Nurse Big Red |
Sandi's Journey With Music
I want to welcome you to my site. I am a nurse from California, retired after
42 years primarily in ER and OB/GYN. I love to meet new people and I love music (my passion.)
This site was built to share some of the best
sites on the web I have found, primarily in music, inspirational's, kids page, and a page for music from around the world.
I feel music can unite us regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.
Music can make you laugh, cry, be like a warm arm around your shoulder when you are sad or lonely, or express your feelings.
If I can help you do any of these things or give you something thought provoking then I have accomplished my mission.
I make no profit from this site. It is done strictly for
your enjoyment and my love of music.
I hope enjoy your stay and come again. Please tell
your friends as I love visitors. I attempt to change the music playing on each page every 2 weeks and am always adding
new sites.I would love to hear your comments, so if you would sign my guest book I sure would appreciate it, and be sure to
sign the guest books of these great sites you visit ( it is the only way we know how we are doing),and tell them DJ Sandi
sent you.
DEDICATION I dedicate this site to the memory of my dear friend Marilyn White who will forever remain in my heart and memories.
